The Empowered Women of Jericho

English teacher Ms. Bouler has strong opinions on female empowerment. “I hope as a role model I can show you that you can be a little offbeat, you can be a little goofy, you can take some risks, you can lose your temper. You don’t have to be perfect to be successful and happy and empowered. Get a little messy, get a little sloppy, you know? Sometimes it’s the imperfections that make you unique.” When asked about the controversial term “bossy” she said, “Women should take charge. Some say taking charge is bossy, but I say sometimes you need a boss.”


Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has launched the popular movement Lean In named after her much-discussed feminist manifesto that helps women worldwide feel empowered. Getty Images teamed up with Lean In to create a collection of images that portray women in “powerful depictions.” In our own spin on the project, we put the spotlight on a select few of the female population of Jericho, students and teachers alike, to showcase their own personal achievements and perspectives on female empowerment.

Click on any image to view the photo series.