No TV is the New Normal


Nowadays, it seems that most people turn to their beloved streaming services rather than the broadcast television right in front of them. Due to the access to full seasons of shows at any given time, people are more attracted to streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu and Disney +. 

Junior Jack N. said, “People watch Netflix or Hulu rather than TV because those services are much more accessible and you can choose what you want to watch, whereas on regular TV, you can’t.” In the same manner, junior Brooke M. has almost completely switched to streaming services. She said, “I am never watching TV, only Netflix and occasionally Hulu.”

Junior Brooke M. said, “People rather watch on a streaming service instead of TV because more shows are available.”

Although many students would rather watch their favorite shows and movies on streaming services than through broadcast television, there are still some that appreciate what broadcast television has to offer. Senior Madeline R. said, “I still use my TV to watch The Bachelor.” In addition to reality TV, broadcast television relays live sports. Senior Jason C. said, “I usually use a TV to watch sport games.”

Students aren’t the only one whose habits have changed. Teachers also have started to invest their viewing time in to streaming services. English teacher Ms. McGee said, “I use my TV for my children, for their shows. I agree with the fact that people watch shows from streaming services rather than broadcast television because generally the shows that I watch are only available on those services.”

Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services because it offers new shows and movies, as well as classics that viewers can rewatch.

Streaming services continue to take over the realm of entertainment with their ease and accessibility, but some will always have a soft spot for classic broadcast television.