Returning to a Typical School Year


After the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be considerable changes to the way we learn and experience school in the 2021-2022 school year in an effort to return to normalcy.

Superintendent Mr. Grishman announced that in the upcoming school year, the Jericho School District is planning to return to a typical, pre-pandemic version of school where all of the students will be attending in-person.

“Our plan is to be up and running and looking as close to normal as we did before the pandemic,” said Mr. Grishman. He added that Administration is planning on having students return to using lockers, being in full pre-pandemic sized classes, and being able to participate in extracurricular activities.

Students are excited about returning to a typical school year. Freshman Vivek K. said, “At some point, I think we have to go back to normal. It has to start somewhere. I don’t think anyone will be too mad about this.” 

“Hopefully we can just revert back to like what it was in 2019,” said junior Pranav N.

Teachers are also thrilled at the prospect of having all their students back in the classroom. English teacher Ms. Fischer said, “I want my students back in-person. I feel like it’s just so much easier to connect with students and to know what’s going on and to make sure everyone’s learning.”

Math teacher Ms. Wehmann expressed her desire for her students to be attending in-person learning too. “I miss all the kids back in the classroom. It’s hard teaching students who are fully remote. I don’t really feel like I get to know them as well,” she said.

This year, the high school administration created new initiatives, such as Nest periods and Wellness days, to support students’ mental health during the pandemic. Co-principal Mr. Cohen wants to continue Wellness days as everyday life returns to normal. He said, “We want to plan to have them next year similarly, like once per quarter.”

Next year many teachers plan to have a mix of both digital and paper lessons and homework. Science teacher Ms. Friedman said, “I do like collecting a lot of the homework and the labs electronically because it’s really easy to keep track of who’s turned it in.”

Furthermore, English teacher Mr. Darr has found grading electronically more convenient. He said, “I think I would continue to use a little bit more of the electronics when it comes to grading essays instead of handwriting, because I feel like I could put a lot longer comments on there.”

Mr. Grishman is actively working so that the Jericho School district can fully-reopen next year.

Superintendent Grishman is confident about reopening in-person due to his faith in Jericho’s students. He praised them for the efforts they demonstrated this past year to keep everyone healthy during the pandemic. “I think our students did an unbelievable job in complying with all of the safety and health regulations. They kept themselves safe and our staff safe,” said Mr. Grishman.

It is with this mindset that so many believe Jericho will successfully return to a typical school year next fall.

1 Comment

  1. Great article. Well written, insightful and informative. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein would be very proud.

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