A Visit to the Fab Lab


Recently, the Jericho school district installed the Fab Lab, a new space in the technology wing meant to assist the technology classes in manufacturing.

Curriculum Associate for Science and Technology Education Ms. Kim Libertini said, “We stripped the entire room down and started fresh. It was a complete update.”

She added, “All the walls came down, then we expanded the space and built certain rooms.”

Ms. Libertini’s goal is to increase students’ interactions with technology. “We really want to expose students to opportunities to problem solve, build, and use engineering design technology,” she said.

Inside the Fab Lab, there is equipment that improves the technology classes and provides unique opportunities for Jericho students. Technology teacher Mr. Herbert said, “We have two laser engravers; one is a smaller version; the other one is a larger version.” 

The newly installed Fab Lab will be used by many high school technology classes, including the robotics class.

Additionally, the Fab Lab contains multiple computer numerical control (CNC) devices, which serve to remove material in order to create a specific design. Mr. Herbert said, “The students create this model in computer aided design, and then they bring the design here through what’s known as CAM files–so that’s computer aided manufacturing files–and that creates tool paths. Those tool paths allow the tool to see what it was that the designer or student has created. It creates that tangible thing for the kid, which is pretty cool.”

This CNC machine allows students to create a useable item of a design created on the computer.

Mr. Herbert believes the new equipment significantly improves the technology program. He said, “This is fantastic. I mean, to offer something like this to a student that’s in high school is exceptional.”

This laser engraver allows for materials such as wood to be precisely removed in order to produce a specific design.

Students in Mr. Herbert robotics class are thrilled to use the new equipment. Junior Aiden H. said, “I’m just really excited for the new opportunities they’ll provide. And I’m looking forward to just improving my understanding of the course.”

It is important to the administration that the lab is accessible and efficiently designed. Ms. Libertini said, “You’ll be able to see all the machines and operation when they’re moving. We expect that we’ll be 3D printing hopefully multiple hours throughout the day, and students that are walking by can kind of watch some of that work happen.”

Ms. Libertini is thrilled to see the equipment in use. She said, “I’m very excited about working with the teachers to make sure that the space is maximized.”